A Scavenger Hunt For Theme
- The story I had selected was "You're Ugly, Too" by Lorrie Moore.
- When looking through the text, I found two themes:
- Someones better than everyone else.
- A sense of aloneness, feeling alone.
- While looking for evidence to support my themes, I found these quotes:
- "'You act,' said one of her senior-seminar students at a scheduled conference, 'like your opinion is worth more than everyone elses in the class.' Zoe's eyes widened. 'I am the teacher,' she said. 'I do get paid to act like that.' She narrowed her gaze at the student, who was wearing a big leather bow in her hair like a cowgirl in a TV ranch show. 'I mean, otherwise everybody in the class would have little offices and office hours.'.... She stared at the student some more, then added, 'I bet you'd like that.'"(654) This shows someone thinking they are better than someone else. Granted, she is the teacher, but she uses that to her advantage too often.
- "'I think I'm too old for fun,' said Zoe." When Zoe says things like this and acts the way she does, she puts herself in situations where she's faced to be alone. Not all the time does she do this to herself, others also make Zoe feel alone and all by herself.
- Lorrie Moore's story "You're Ugly, Too" can connect to "Proper Library" by Carolyn Ferrell. Both of these stories share the sense of being alone. In Moore's story, it's Zoe who is feeling alone. Whether it's because of something she did herself, or she's just home, alone. In Ferrell's story, Lorrie has a sense of aloneness every where but home: at school, riding the bus, and even walking the streets. When Lorrie is at home, his mother pays attention to him and shares her kind words that always bring a smile to his face. But when Lorrie is at school walking the hallways, he hears hurtful words like "fag!" Lorrie feels alone, all by himself when everyone seems to get a kick out of the name calling, even the wood shop teacher!
- The story that I see the most connection to Lorrie Moore's story, "You're Ugly, Too" is "Proper Library" by Carolyn Ferrell. In both stories, there is a strong similar theme: Aloneness.
- "You're Ugly, Too"
- "'Really?' Evan was beaming. 'Oh, Zoe. I have something to tell you. Charlie and I are getting married.' 'Really?' Zoe felt confused." (661) When Zoe's sister tells her that she is getting married, it makes Zoe's alone feeling even stronger. Her sister is getting married before her, and she is younger at that too! With Zoe finding out this big news, it brings more emptiness into her life. She had her sister, but now she's getting married and won't need her anymore.
- "Proper Library"
- "Mr. Samuels is laughing Haw Haw like he's from the country. Haw Haw Haw Haw. His face is red. Everyone cools down and is just smiling now. Then he says, Class, don't mess with the only girl we got in here! Now it's laughter again. Daniel Fibbs says, Yeah, Mr. Samuels is on! Franklin laughs, No fags allowed, you better take your sissy ass out of here 'less you want me to cut it into four pieces." (Couldn't read page number) Because of the fact that everyone, yes even the teacher, is picking on Lorrie, it makes him feel alone. He has no one else besides himself at school because everyone always makes fun of him.
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